Hosts Mary and Blake discuss episode the midseason premiere entitled, “Reckoning.” We’ve finally survived Droughtlander and it’s been a hell of a time. So, in this EPIC episode (thanks to some fantastic listener feedback) you will learn all about the new stuff we’ve brought into the show for you, why Mary always goes for the jugular, the spanking scene, odd choices for directing and writing, Oprah self defense classes, lots of random movie references in this episode, Collum and the Weasels, and why Blake thinks knives should be used in bed more often..
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I am still listening to this podcast but wanted to mention — I think you are missing something about why Jamie didn't kill Black Jack. It was something that Jamie said on the way out — something to the effect that he couldn't kill a man who couldn't defend himself. Go back and watch that part again. I took it as Jamie — being an honorable guy — wouldn't just kill someone who was laying there unconscious and not able to fight. Although, he also mused, something like — but maybe I should have. Anyway — something to think about and maybe catch on your next viewing of the episode.
Hi Annegav!
Thanks for noticing this! We tried to mention something to this effect when we talked about Jamie's "innocence." Maybe he didn't think to do it, or didn't want to do it because he's not that kind of person — as you so noted, not the kind of person to just kill a defenseless man. Does that make sense? Love the feedback π
Hey, Blake. I didn't take the discussion of "innocence" as referring to the not killing a defenseless man. He definitely did think about killing him — evidenced by the voiceover, but decided (forebodingly) not to kill him because basically, it wouldn't be a fair fight. #honorableJamie Anyway, love your Podcast!
Hey Blake and Mary, love your podcast. I'm still listening to this one but had to make a quick comment. I thought BJR states he doesn't understand why any man would pledge, not pleasure, himself to a woman. And I always thought that BJR liked both men and women but that he was a true sadist and could only perform if the person was fighting back. So he couldn't rape Claire because (in the book) she laughed at him and quit screaming and fighting back. Just my two cents.
rgraf12 Agree — Diana has said that BJR is an equal opportunity sadist, not necessarily gay. He's only sexually aroused when he is hurting someone — man or woman. Although, I did catch that thing he said that Mary pointed out. It did seem like he said "how could you pleasure yourself to a woman." Anyway — guess we will see how things unfold. π
wow, ok, this is my third attempt to comment.. I think perhaps I hate Google now! lol
I feel so badly for the woman who called in and said she has no one else with whom to talk about Outlander! I would go nuts! Surely my office workers, family and friends are all sick of hearing me talk about it… but I have to say, I have triumphed and had at least a dozen converts π Just cooked a full highland meal and invited friends and family over to watch and eat. But she needs to get on Twitter and use the right hashtags, she'll eventually find some people locally to her that watch and love. Maybe not be friends watching in the living room together, but possibly become FB friends and discuss? I'll volunteer, she sounded like a nice person, she can friend me and we can talk Outlander any time π On a note to you, I enjoy your podcast and listen to it regularly, so thank you. I like The Scot and The Sassenach too, they look at things from a story telling perspective that I don't think of on my own. Love having your smart and funny fan perspective and their more story telling structure perspective every week. -
This is a great catch – I may have been too quick to jump to a conclusion on BJR. It would be hard to explain how the Randall line went on if her were indeed gay. But do you think it's something they'd change in the show?
Thanks Loretta – thanks for listening so often and engaging with us on the website! As it relates to the caller – we'll be sure to mention something on the show so we can create a better community for all of us here π
I went back and watched this scene again. It wasn't making sense to me that BJR would say pleasure for a couple of reasons, first being he was talking about their marriage asking who the man in their marriage was. Second he had tried to rape Claire twice by now and he also had offered to have sex with Jamie's sister Jenny in exchange for letting Jamie go earlier on in the show. So I turned on the closed captioning and he did say he did not understand why any man would pledge himself to a woman. So I feel like they are keeping true to the character that BJR is indeed a sadist and likes both men and women.
First, great podcast. Loved it!!! You guys are awesome together and make me laugh π
I think I heard somewhere that Episode 9 was the only one from Jamie's POV π Hope that's not true. As far as the spanking…I actually laughed the first time I saw it when Claire was whipping things at Jamie's head then biffed Jamie in the face with her foot and scratched his face. I was like "HA" she got in some good licks…good for her! Not because I thought the spanking itself was funny. Maybe that's what people clapped about?? Who knows…
As far as Leghair, Diana wrote an explanation of that river scene in the CompuServe blog. She mentioned that the scene was much longer but was cut down and the cut version had Jamie saying that the marriage was arranged BUT he was happy now. If you watch that scene again, you'll note he says "but" and then there's a bit of silence before he's cut off by Leghair saying, well, you don't look happy. As a side note, I listened to Ron's podcast and he mentioned that there was HUGE controversy over whether to have Jaime kiss Leghair in that scene. He wanted the kiss along with others (apparently Starz was even involved in the discussion), but Maril and others didn't, and they won. However, Ron did say that in the heat of the moment during filming, they did kiss once, but he didn't use that film. All I can say is that I HOPE it's not in the extended scenes in the DVD!!! I don't want to see that car wreck! Bad enough he was all grabby on the boobage and they were swapping heavy breathing…LOL!
One last side note…anyone notice how Jamie licked Claire's boob???? Between that, her actually reaching down to position him when she's on top, the "thrusting" while holding the dirk to his neck, and the after glow cuddling and pillow talk…some of the best acted sex scenes EVER!! Just very realistic, in my opinion. I felt like I needed a cigarette after π
Love your podcasts and 4+ kilts for this episode.
Mad passion throughout the whole episode: in the chin to chin argument, Jamie's heartbreak then their mutual forgiveness, the strapping battle, the makeup sex, the reconciliation. They're tearing MY guts out! Seems like sex and pain are a recurring theme. (ie: wedding night, BJR's sadism, the strapping) It was like a game of marriage-shinty! Light hearted and deadly serious, and people limp off arm in arm at the end.
I agree that this episode was like getting over a big hill on the way to the summit. I think that the narration from both J and C is them looking back and telling the amazing stories of their lives.
My Outlandish wish: Please God and Ron Moore – give us Tobias as Alexander Randall!
I know that I am SOOO late responding to this but I've just discovered the Outlander – in general – and your podcast (which I am thoroughly enjoying). I'm a book reader (getting ready to start the 7th book) so I do have a different viewpoint than TV Watchers. However, I guess I'm very surprised at the outcry over the spanking scene. If I'm watching (or reading) a period episode, I would expect it to be as authentic as possible. And the truth of the matter is that this was a dangerous time for women. Of course, I don't think this episode was trying to demonstrate this fact β but itβs a fact nonetheless. I believe it is about someone doing something wrong and receiving their punishment (keeping in mind it is through the eyes of those who were unaware of her true intent). This action put a lot of people in danger and she needed to receive the consequence for her action. If the situation would have been reversed, Jamie would have expected someone to dish out an equal amount of punishment for his carelessness. To me, the book does a much better job of explaining this mindset. In addition, I took the light-heartedness of Jamie to show that what he was doing was punishment (like a parent/child), not malicious abuse.
Overall this scene was important to demonstrate the differences between a husband/wife relationship in 1940 and 1740. It was important to also demonstrate that Claire is clueless about how dangerous this time is and how a small impulsive move can cause so much pain and suffering. It also opens the door for Jamieβs growth as he acknowledges the fact that his marriage to Claire is going to be different than anything heβs ever known.
I know this is soooo off from the original air date, but I am catching up and still in process of this particular episode:
Re: The Spanking
If she were a man in this time, then she would have been beaten for her actions. Not just beaten across the back (lashes), but beaten publicly. It shows a consideration for her gender that she is not beaten in front of everyone and that it was just a bum spanking and not a lashing. It shows how much the Clan had grown to accept her that they were willing to let Jamie do it behind closed doors.
If Jamie hadn’t punished Claire, one of the other men would have, probably Dougal. Jamie did it because he was responsible for Claire as her husband. Claire got off light, had she been a man she would have been flogged or killed.
I am a FINALLY watcher of Outlander, and I plan to read the first book soon. I am happy I came across your podcast. THANK YOU, Universe. ha ha I have been needing “someone to chat it out with.” ha ha ..You two point out some very interesting things..SOME I don’t even spot, or when I DO, I am glad someone else SEES them as well. (:
Blake, I love your Outlandish theories. They’re great. Some of them are legit SPOT. ON!!! Psychic? ???
I am loving the podcast tons and cannot wait to listen to more. Thanks Mary and Blake! (:
Just listening to this a long time after it was recorded, and something that was said made me want to comment – the mention of how few guards there were…my thoughts on this is that they came from the seaward side of the fort, and I would think that far fewer guards would be needed from that side especially at night as you wouldn’t expect a big attack without a lot of warning. Also as to Jamie knowing where to go, etc…remember he was held here and flogged here, and escaped from here before, so he probably already had at least a small knowledge of the layout of the place. Also, as has been mentioned by others, it always surprises me when people apply today’s mores and standards to the actions and attitudes of history. Our ideas of how people should be treated have evolved a LOT in 200+ years, but in that time, the punishment that Jamie gives to Claire was just accepted practice. For THAT time, what he did was considered just the norm.
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