Welcome back to our occasional series, “How They Made It,” where we explore the food and drink of Outlander. This time we’re chatting with Herself, Diana Gabaldon, about the food and drink she includes in her books, plus a bit about her background, too. Slainté! (Note: some of the links...
“Mark me,” the tale I am about to tell is indeed one of epic proportions. A tale of a man defeated, but who escapes death with the help of a certain female heroine. A tale of truth. We explore how the Bonnie Prince Charlie inspired a nation, a movement, a...
“It is some kind of hell to be forced to choose one irreplaceable thing over another.” – John Silver (Black Sails) Jamie is tasked with an impossible choice, irreparably change history for the worse by warning Chief Bird about the ultimate fate the the Cherokee tribe, or watch them all...
Outlander’s latest episode packs an emotional punch, shouldered heavily by a quartet of worthy performances by the braw men of Fraser’s Ridge. (more…)
A blow-by-blow and sip-by-sip journey through the latest episode of Outlander. We’ve got no weddings and a funeral coming right at ya! Are you ready for round two, Sassenachs?! Here we go! (more…)
Reading Between the Lines
Surviving Droughtlander with Outlander Fan Fiction: Why Great Characters Inspire Great Stories (more…)
Time, space, history and Covid, be damned! You may have heard or even felt it this past weekend, a deep global exhalation of contentment. It was millions of us Outlander Obsessenachs, tuning in to the long-awaited season 6 episode 1, Echoes. Yes, now that our beloved STARZ series is back, our...
A blow-by-blow and sip-by-sip journey through the latest episode of Outlander. We’ve made it! We’ve survived yet another Droughtlander, crawling our way through the parched desert expanse of Covid towards the shimmering cool oasis of season 6 and . . . well . . . I don’t know about you,...
As we race toward the finish line of the longest Droughtlander on record, my favorite author and mentor, Diana Gabaldon shares her insights on Outlander Season 6, which she describes as “excellent” from start to finish. (more…)
After a long pause, Outlander fans traveled from near and far to celebrate a new season at the 2021 New York Comic Con. (more…)