Written by: Caroline Trevor
Ronald D. Moore took time out of his busy schedule to answer some questions on twitter regarding casting, writing, season 2, his favorite drink at a baseball game and character appearances.
He talked about some character casting that are still on-going including Brianna and Roger. They are only needed for a couple of episodes but they are key scenes in the book. He estimated the premiere of Outlander Season 2 would be sometime in March/April which is almost a year since episode 109 of season 1.
He talked a bit about the most difficult scenes from Season 1. The Fort William scenes and of course Wentworth are tough scenes to film no doubt about that.
Production for Season 2 is going really well. Filming is almost complete for the Paris scenes and will soon move onto the Scotland scenes. Ron has wrote Episode 1.
(I’m really looking forward to that episode. The crew have had to create a whole new set for the Paris scenes. Paris is very much different to Scotland.)
Finally he talked about the great work Terry does as costume designer. The show is lucky to have someone of her skill and talent.
Here is the full Q & A via Three If By Space:
A No but I’m back in the States for a while.
Q You look very happy.
A This and Disneyland are two of my favorite places on earth.
Q Whisky or beer on hand for the game?
A Martini.
Q Premiere date?
A Hasn’t been set officially. Look for March/April.
Q When will Bree be cast?A As soon as we can find her. The search is underway.
Q What S1 scene was most difficult to film?
A Physically the Ft. William scenes in 109 were brutal. Emotionally the 115-116 prison (scenes) were really tough.
Q How is production for S2 coming along?
A Really well. Show looks amazing, cast is superb, story working – very optimistic.
Q When will casting news for Roger be shared?
A Once we actually cast him.
Q When does the filming go back to Scotland or has it already?
A Once the Paris section is complete, in the next couple weeks.
Q Will Roger appear in S2?
A Yes.
Q What’s Outlander?
A It’s a science fiction movie starring Sean Connery. (Editor’s note: Actually, that film is Outland, and it was set on the moon!)
Q Not so much Outlander, but can I run my fingers through your sable locks someday?
A You’ll have to talk to Terry.
A (Terry) Fucking no. No hugging either. Sable locks, LOL!!!!
A (Ron) Just trying to give the people what they want…
A (Terry) But notice how cleverly he included me in that response…
A (Ron) No fool that guy.
A (Terry) with raven/sable/whatever locks under hat.
A (Ron) in that case sable must be a kind of raccoon.
Q Are you writing or directing any episodes this season?
A I wrote the first ep, no directing this year.
Q What episode are they currently shooting?
A Doing pieces from a lot of different eps at the moment. Will be shooting 209 and 210 in a couple weeks.
Q Will everyone be killed off like in Game of Thrones?
A There’s a thought. Let me check their contracts and see if I still have to pay them…
Q Did you know which episode you wanted Diana to write or did she pick?
A I spoke with Diana about the timing for her and the show.
Q What’s been the most difficult thing while filming Season 2?
A Creating whole new show essentially – Paris is completely different in every way from season one.
Q Why no mention of a Season 3 yet?
A No official pickup yet but I’m optimistic.
Q With the rewrites will we still see Brianna and Roger in Season 2?
A Yes.
Q Are Ira Behr and Toni Graphia back?
A Yes, along with Anne Kenney and Matt Roberts.
Q Are you worried about spoilers leaking from filming locations as more fans become aware of the show?
A Not really. Anyone who wants to avoid spoilers can just not visit those websites with pics.
Q Do you foresee being able to produce all 8 books? *hopeful
A That makes me so tired just to think about – but good problems to have if so.
Q How dies it feel to have such an amazing costume designer?
A The show is incredibly lucky to have someone of her skill, talent and good humor. Not to mention she’s gorgeous. Thus endeth another Q&A session. Thanks for playing. Be sure to pick up the home version of our show.
I am really looking forward to the Paris court scenes in Season 2.
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