Good news – we can get new family and friends pour ourselves a dram and, through the magic of technology, enjoy it together! Each Saturday at 9:00 p.m., we’ll be LIVE blogging the episodes to bring you a two-screen experience into the world of Outlander. Like the Outlander Cast podcast, it will be SPOILER FREE for non-book readers.
So get all your post-18th Century gadgets ready and settle in, because the best things in life should be shared with a buddy. Hi, buddy.
Now let the show begin . . .
[9:00 pm] It’s Saturday at 9:00 pm, do you know where your friends are? Heck yes, it’s Outlander night, friends! Welcome back. Please be sure to comment below during the episode. [9:03 pm] I applaud – again and again – the honestly paced manner in which they’ve decided to show Jamie coping in the aftermath of his trauma. Even still, man do I miss Jamie and Claire’s infectious affection (say that five times fast). Even just entering a room, you can feel how absent it is.[9:06 pm] Claire’s discontentment with her current station in life is palpable. For someone so ambitious and intelligent who has tackled two worlds worth of problems, she’s been reduced to an 18th Century version of Garden Club tea time and “honey do” lists at home.
[9:10 pm] Have you ever been more excited to finally see someone “get them some” than you are Murtagh right now?! Okay good, because I was going to feel suuuuper awkward if it was just me. I’m guessing this might cut the sting off his grouchy edge . . . but don’t lose too much of it, old pal. It’s endearing. [9:12 pm] Claire can claim it’s due to Black Jack Randall being alive, but her distaste for Murtagh’s sky rocket’s in flight afternoon delight is definitely due in part to her jealousy and sadness over the lack of intimacy in her own world right now – in the bedroom or otherwise. That prolonged stare and snapping moment said as much. And while I’m glad she’s let Murtagh in on the BJR news, I secretly wish she’d also confide in Murtagh about all the reasons she’s not herself. [9:14 pm] For those keeping score at home, Claire’s sex ed lesson count in this episode – 2. [9:15 pm] “What is politics, but chess on a grand scale.” – so true, Jamie. Except chess is a gentlemen’s game and politics, well, um . . . (insert your own personal opinion here.) [9:17 pm] Mid-episode PSA: Modern men take note – “I was out playing chess with my buds” will NOT get you off the hook for going to a strip club or brothel. You’re welcome. [9:18 pm] I love this mustard color cloak she’s rocking! She stands out amidst the sea of drab, which I know is the intent. Job well done! Can we go ahead and give Terry Dresbach an Emmy already? Also, did the hair on anyone else’s neck stand up at Raymond and Hottie McHotterson the Comte cavorting in a dark alley? [9:20 pm] Raymond’s suggestion of how Claire could find purpose again had such a 180-degree, effervescent effect on Claire’s demeanor and I loved it. Her smile lit her up as brightly as that mustard yellow and oh how I’ve missed her smile. Bring on Healer Claire! [9:22 pm] I guess this is as much as Claire can “dress down” to blend in. Also, she’s apparently either the Manute Bol of the 18th Century, or this is the shortest nun in history. Either way, holy height discrepancy. [9:24 pm] Bouton!!! Mother Hildegard!!! I know this is a spoiler-free blog, but I am a book reader so sometimes it just bursts out and I can’t control it. Squeeeeeeeeeeeee! Harry Potter‘s Frances de la Tour is so perfectly cast here. [9:25 pm] Our guy friend, Zach, had a field day when “The Rent” found Claire tossing the fabric in urine and giddily singing along with a bunch of new pals. This finger dip taste test will definitely do him in. Yep. [9:27 pm] Wee Fergus!!! Previous squealing disclaimer about Bouton and Mother Hildegard applies here. [9:28 pm] Oh friends, this is bad. Real baaaaad. How do I know? Well the scheming dialogue, sure, but it’s Bear McCreary’s ominous score for the obvious tip. [9:31 pm] “The carriage ride home was full of delightful tales of blood and pus and gangrenous toenails,” – LOL, Murtagh … and yet he’s headed to find himself something to eat, proving once again why Murtagh is my spirit animal. [9:32 pm] Fellow writer Anne has just called out something important we point out each week and it’s time to get to it – Jamie Hair Watch. This episode, we’ve got two options: a) either he’s had a haircut and it’s bearable. Or, b) there’s a length consistency issue with them shooting these out of order because it’s shorter than it was last week. Either way, I like it. Kilt rating for Jamie’s hair – a solid 4. [9:35 pm] I want Jamie and Claire to get along, I do . . . you know, happily ever after and all that jazz. But dammit Sam and Cait can rock a fight scene so realistically! I started this scene so peeved at Jamie’s selfishness until he kindly reminded us that her insistence on changing the course of history is why he’s up all night, hanging in brothels, meticulously plotting one lie after the next. And now, I’m like ¯_(?)_/¯. [9:36 pm] Way to go, Suzette. I feel a good godfather chat coming between Murtagh and Jamie and it’s going to be gooooood. [9:38 pm] Last week’s nipple dress, meet this week’s live ass painting. That is all. [9:40 pm] I have a steadfast rule that the addition of an adorable, precocious child into the main cast spells “jump the shark” (ahem, I’m looking at you, nearly every late ’80s family sitcom). But, there’s not been a new character I’ve been more excited to see on screen than wee Fergus, and his relationship with Jamie. And Romann Berrux is just precious. [9:42 pm] Marital side note: is there anything better than your spouse giving something you say the ‘ol “hey, not bad. That’s a good idea”? Jamie needed that validation in this moment and really, just overall. [9:44 pm] New goal: I’d like to see Murtagh oddly flopped on a regal piece of furniture in every episode. He’s definitely spent his fair share sleeping on hard ground and in stables, so I love that he’s settling into some of the finer comforts of his new life. [9:46 pm] Last week I decided that I needed a Pocket Murtagh for all my adventures. I’d like to add a Bouton to the wish list. [9:48 pm] The hubs just blurted a super eloquent “f*&k you” at the screen for the pus spurting (he’s got a weak stomach for medical stuff), followed by “is that Hellman’s mayonnaise coming out of his leg?” And now I’M gagging. [9:50 pm] I love that Jamie has resorted to coming by the hospital to ask for help because, well, he’s asking for help. But, more so that he’s now validating Claire’s choice by seeing where and how and why she spends her time where she does. [9:51 pm] Jamie in a kilt. It just upped the kilt rating of this episode (which is already high) just to see vintage Jamie again. [9:53 pm] Shout out to Mary and Blake for prefacing this episode by saying it’d bring sexy Bach. I’m still laughing at that one. They’re my choice for line of the night. [9:55 pm] I love when these three put their heads together. It’s so much fun to watch! And now we’ve got this completely awkward toast to follow it up. Side note: Pregnancy be damned, Claire’s gonna get her drink on. [9:56 pm] Well, the lie of omission continues. It’s gonna get our girl in trouble. Murtagh’s disapproving scowl said as much. [10:00 pm] I’m sorry if I ever doubted your ability to get us there in 13 episodes, powers that be. Please love me still because sweet sexed Murtagh, I love you still. My favorites – Claire finding her new confidante (hello 18th Century Mrs. Graham!), wee Fergus and his feet-up, chicken-leg eating entrance into the family, Bouton and his helpful lack of personal space, the debut of Murzette (brilliant, Anne) and the return of our favorite duo – while not syncing together – finding their “ness” as individuals. Dinna fash, they’re going to get there as a couple!
What’d you like best about this episode?
Episode 2.05: “Untimely Resurrection”
Episode 2.06: “Best Laid Schemes…“
Episode 2.07: “Faith”
Episode 2.08: “The Fox’s Lair“
Episode 2.09: “Je Suis Prest“
Episode 2.10: “Prestonpans”
Episode 2.11: “Vengeance is Mine“
Episode 2.12 “The Hail Mary“
Episode 2.13 “Dragonfly in Amber“
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