Want to relive Outlander Season 4 Episode 5? We do a minute-by-minute reaction to “Savages.”
Do you find yourself gabbing obsessively about Outlander to your friends and family? Wishing your Sunday nights included a living room full of people with whom to watch, discuss, comment, cheers and ogle over your favorite show with you? Dinna fash, Obsessenach—you are not alone.
Good news—we can get new family and friends pour ourselves a dram and, through the magic of technology, enjoy it together! As we brought to you during Seasons 2 and 3, we’ll be LIVE blogging all the episodes in Season 4. Like the Outlander Cast podcast, it will be SPOILER FREE for non-book readers.
Not into distractions during your weekly visit to the World of Outlander? That’s okay! Our live posts double as episodic minute-by-minute recaps to serve as a trusty viewing companion on your second, third and umpteenth re-watches (hey, we get it).
So get all your post-18th Century gadgets ready and settle in, because the best things in life should be shared with a buddy. Hi, buddy. Now let the show begin…
[8:00 p.m.] We just spent a weekend in the Southwestern mountains of North Carolina taking our son on a pre-Christmas adventure, and forget sugarplums – visions of Fraser‘s Ridge danced in my head the whole time. Bring on a new episode!
[8:02 p.m.] While this little ditty plays, this feels like as good a time as any to offer an unsolicited plug for my new favorite beer: Belhaven Brewery’s Belhaven Scottish Ale. It’s nutty, smooth and pairs well with live blogging a new episode of Outlander. [8:04 p.m.] This episode is titled “Savages,” which is also how my husband describes my behavior if I get too hangry. [8:05 p.m.] Move over, Rosetta Stone. These two serve up a far more appealing and charming way to learn a new language.[8:06 p.m.] Is it me, or are you also finding the true meaning of life emanating from Adawehi’s eyes? I’ll say it again, Tantoo Cardinal’s soulful expression can act circles around most other actors’ voices any day of the week.
[8:07 p.m.] Holy homestead, Batman! Jamie and Claire must’ve enjoyed a royal HGTV visit from Chip and Joanna Gaines at Fraser’s Ridge since last week. Jon Gary Steele, you’ve outdone yourself again. The interior of this house is perfectly Fraser hearth and home. If someone isn’t making scented candles to match, please get on it.
[8:08 p.m.] First Claire with a skull, now Jamie with a candlestick. These two and their purse-stowed treasures remind me of my grandma, though hers would boast a half-eaten sandwich wrapped in a napkin and some Sweet’N Low packets.
[8:09 p.m.] “The sooner we go, the sooner we’ll be home…and I LOVE bacon,” Ian’s brain works exactly mine does. All roads and thoughts eventually lead to bacon. Also, what’s the over/under on number of Claire fur vest replicas that pop up on the interwebs by tomorrow morning? [8:10 p.m.] Hugging Jamie gives Claire a sense of still being able to hug Bree, but it’ll never fill the same void. I cherish these tender moments of shared love – known and dreamt – Claire and Jamie have about their daughter.[8:11 p.m.] Roger is the most darling little Scottish Waldo I’ve ever seen. Remember when I wanted to put Ian in my pocket for safe keeping? Well, I just remembered I have TWO pockets. Roger’s going in the other.
[8:12 p.m.] What’s the tally on guests who’ve stayed at the Baird Family B&B and then mysteriously disappeared after a little tea and black pudding. Not something you typically brag about on TripAdvisor, but you never know.
[8:13 p.m.] I’m wondering whether Mistress MacNeil might have roomed at Madame Jeanne’s in Edinburgh before her time in Cross Creek. Just sayin’.
[8:14 p.m.] Whereas her time in the 20th century Boston focused solely on surgery, I love that Dr. Fraser Medicine Woman now gets to be the well-rounded family physician, seeing, treating and healing all that comes with the circle of life.
[8:16 p.m.] This might be the first time everyone’s ever said “no” to following Jamie Fraser. Even Ian’s dumbfounded.
[8:18 p.m.] That, friends, is the look of “ah hell, what’ve I done” that just rolled across Fraser’s face. I, for one, like to gather lots of data before making large decisions or purchases. I’m sensing that Jamie should have done the same before locking himself into a deal with the governor.[8:19 p.m.] I shake my head anytime someone freely offers up information such as how they’ll be at home alone for several days. It’s like rolling out an open invite and a welcome mat for imminent trouble.
[8:20 p.m.] Well now I feel like an arse; they named the baby after her. And gave baby Klara a sweet little doll full of choking hazards. Kids these days are too safeguarded.
[8:21 p.m.] Isn’t this just a horrific little game of Would You Rather Claire finds herself smack in the middle of – looking down the barrel of an angry and territorial German man shakily bearing arms? Or staring at the sharpened arrow of a bow-wielding Cherokee tribe that’s all fed up with the arrogant entitlement of the white men invading their land?
[8:23 p.m.] What a day! Girl needs a tall whisky, a diffuser full of essential sleep oils and a few days of tending to no one.
[8:24 p.m.] Welp, I spoke too soon. Farm girl’s got chores to do… and we get a reworked sampling of Bear McCreary’s “Comin Thro the Rye” as she does! And also, I now want pork chops for Christmas. I hope my mom reads this recap.
[8:25 p.m.] Sweet brown elixir, she heard me. Don’t skimp on this self care, Doc.
[8:27 p.m.] SWEET GRUFF CHARM, I KNOW THAT VOICE!!!!!!!!!! Turn around, turn around, turn around…dammit, TURN AROUND.
[8:28 p.m.] Annnnnnd, I just piddled on the floor like an excitable puppy. Also, it’s okay to have unholy thoughts about a deliciously aged Murtagh, right? Because I am. Lots of them. #SilverFox
[8:29 p.m.] “I’d wager she’s a good cook.” *Snorts laughter.*
[8:30 p.m.] SWEET GRUFF CHARM, HE KNOWS THAT VOICE!!!!!!!!! Turn around, turn around, turn around…dammit, TURN AROUND.
[8:31 p.m.] Forget raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, it’s this. THIS is my most favorite thing of the season. Would you all mind if I begged to take my leave of you now so that I can rewind this exchange and replay it on repeat for the rest of the hour?
[8:32 p.m.] “And I want to hear every word.” Fact: I crush these two harder than I could ever crush Jamie and Claire.
[8:34 p.m.] Let me get this straight – Claire meddled (or intervened, depending on how you feel) and now there’s a dangerous fallout from it? I. Am. So. Shocked. Well this looks like it’ll be a peaceful, restful next few days for Claire.
[8:35 p.m.] Watching Murtagh light up upon hearing or seeing memories of Ellen will never get old for me.
[8:37 p.m.] If you’re headed to the bar, Ian, fetch me another one while you’re at it. I could sit with these two all night listening to them catch up, matching each other excited moment for excited moment.
[8:38 p.m.] “10,000 acres?” Murtagh’s doing the math, and it’s not sitting well with him. His life’s work of worrying for Jamie’s well-being never ends.
[8:40 p.m.] I love that she’s going to panic eat her way through this ordeal with what’s left of the jerky stash. I’d go with what’s left in a can of Pringles or a bag of chocolate chip cookies, but whatever. I get you, girl. Panic eating is my method, too.
[8:42 p.m.] Anytime a Scotsman belts out a rallying monologue, I’m waiting for him to let us know that they take our lives, but they can never take our freedom.
[8:43 p.m.] Murtagh the silent but loyal follower has evolved into Murtagh the outspoken but loyal leader. Jamie’s face registers the transformation, alongside disbelief that Murtagh has found his voice as a regulator. Curious to see how this plays out as we move forward.
[8:44 p.m.] Claire, beware grieving, insane German men posing as calm and concerned.
[8:46 p.m.] Wherever this scene is headed is making me far too anxious. Screw the Pringles – quick, let in indulge again in dreamy Murtagh and his gorgeous, silver mane.[8:47 p.m.] Oh hell… Claire, beware grieving, insane German men bearing gifts. Claire, beware grieving, insane German men bearing gifts. Claire, beware grieving, insane German men bearing gifts. IT’S ADAWEHI?!? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Not her!
[8:48 p.m.] I vividly recall when a Cowgirl Claire once famously threatened to cut out Jamie’s heart and eat it for breakfast. I’d not fault her if she chose to exact that here upon a savage Herr Mueller.
[8:50 p.m.] Never mind, the Cherokee beat her to it. This is tragic, all the way around, and I fear just a small sampling of the realities of the time between settlers full of hope in this new land and Native Americans full of pride and history.
[8:52 p.m.] You can only imagine what plausible scenarios are running through his mind upon finding his normally unflappable warrior of a wife in this shaken state. I hate to see her like this, but love how they showed her so vulnerable and nearly bare. We all have moments like that, don’t we? We’re brave and independent to a near-fatal point, but then the levee breaks and we’re grateful for the arms of a loved one to save us from the flood. Or to climb into the deep waters with us so we don’t have to navigate it alone.
[8:53 p.m.] SWEET GRUFF CHARM, SHE KNOWS THAT TUNE!!!!!!!!!! Turn around, turn around, turn around…dammit, TURN AROUND.
(“Jamie said you weren’t coming?” Really, Claire? You wouldn’t bop on down to Cross Creek to see him regardless of whether he comes to you on the ridge now that you know he’s alive?! Please.)
[8:54 p.m.] Invite you inside? Oh my god, yes, and stay FOREVER. PLEASE NEVER LEAVE US AGAIN. If your heart didn’t burst at the nostalgic choice to have him enter whistling “The Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of Company B,” then it’s only because you don’t have a heart.
[8:55 p.m.] Forget the rye, she’s coming thro the stones! I want to equal parts nestle Roger up into my lap on that bench and stroke his head and get to the other side of those stones ASAP to see how Bree fares.
Closing Thoughts:
Sing me a song of a Murtagh that is back! Who says you can’t rewrite [Diana Gabaldon’s] history? You’ve heard the mantra: The show is the show and the book is the book. For me, they’ve always been fine existing separately but complementary. But for the record, this is one deviation that has me whistling Boogie Woogie. I have no idea what’s to become of Murtagh or how long we get to enjoy the unmatched charm of Duncan Lacroix, but I’m going to and sop it up with a cast-iron skillet biscuit while I can.
In an episode marked by yet more trauma and death (what’s the death count of Season 4 at thus far? 7?), centralizing our focus onto Jamie and Murtagh’s, and then Claire and Murtagh’s, spirited reunion was like applying soothing balm to a fresh wound. Meanwhile, Roger emoted through the “loss” of Bree and Claire battled more of the painful realities of a history she’d only previously read about, and now has to live through. I have a feeling each and every episode this season will have its fair share of that. But isn’t that like real life? There is drama and trauma and challenge and death, but, thankfully, it’s offset here and there by babies and old friends and funny stories and warm hugs.
Here, here, Outlander – raising a mug of Ian’s procured ale to you for my favorite episode yet, and thanking you for another week of escapist joy. Until next week, friends…
If you’ve missed any of our Season 4 episode recaps, you can catch up with them here:
Episode 4.01: “God Bless America”
Episode 4.02: “Do No Harm”
Episode 4.03: “The False Bride”
Episode 4.04: “Common Ground”
A complete library of recaps from Seasons 2-3 is also available here.
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