Mary and Blake had the pleasure of speaking with Maril Davis on Outlander Cast recently. You can find the audio interview here. But this article is completely separate as we explore fifteen personal questions with Maril that were not included in the original interview. Click “read more” to find out more about the person Maril Davis – including her favorite show, guilty pleasure, celebrity crush, worst mistake of her career, and much more.
Outlander Cast: Do you listen to any Outlander Podcasts other than Ron’s?
Maril: I don’t even listen to Ron’s! That’s so sad! (laughs) But you know I was just so busy last year and didn’t even get a chance so I am sorry to all the writers out there and Ron. But, this year I’m going to try an be better at that. Sorry guys.
Outlander Cast: What’s a fun fact about you that not a lot of people know?
Maril: Oh…I like Barry Manilow. But I think a lot of people DO know that so I’m not sure that counts.
Outlander Cast: Favorite Food?
Maril: Hmmm…Sushi probably
Outlander Cast: Favorite TV show other than yours?
Maril: I loved Friday Night Lights. Loved House Of Cards and of course, Mad Men.
Outlander Cast: Best show on TV currently?
Maril: Besides Outlander? (laughs) Oh god with all the travel I haven’t been able to keep up. I’m not sure I have a best show right now.
Outlander Cast: Favorite Movie?
Maril: GiGi
Outlander Cast: Guilty pleasure?
Maril: Oh god there are sooo many. Besides Barry Manilow? (laughs). Umm…magazine reading, probably.
Outlander Cast: Do you have a celebrity crush?
Maril: Definitely. Kevin Costner. God, Bull Durham….
Outlander Cast: Top place you want to visit on your “bucket list?”
Maril: It was Scotland! The new one would be Japan
Outlander Cast: What’s your greatest fear?
Maril: Regret and SPIDERS!
Outlander Cast: What’s the worst mistake of your career?
Maril: Not asking for more money! (laughs)
Outlander Cast: Whats the best achievement of your career?
Maril: Outlander, definitely.
Outlander Cast: What’s the last song you listened to?
Maril: Oh god – what was it? That song from Once! Falling Slowly. I LOVE that soundtrack.
Outlander Cast: What’s the last book you read?
Maril: Dragonfly In Amber! (laughs) Actually that’s not true! Voyager! I just re-read it.
Outlander Cast: And, finally, what’s the dream project you want to work on before you die?
Maril: Well, [Outlander] was it. I mean, weirdly, this was my dream project. And I don’t like answering that question because I would want to make it happen and not tell anyone! But I will say that I always kind of wish I could have worked on, or brought back, Battle Of The Network Stars.
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