There’s something evil about Droughtlander. The more we get, the much, much more we terribly crave. Even as winter in the Northern hemisphere draws closer, there is no settling down for a long winter’s nap in the Outlander world, because, well; Outlander. It’s a pathology, for sure; maybe a syndrome, or perhaps just a happy affliction of sorts. Any way you look at it, I am under its power and happy to be there.
Each new nugget of intelligence sent rolling down the Interwebs creates excitement, new speculation, and also serves to remind us how near, and yet how very far away, the premiere of Season 3 truly is. Wait. I said “PREMIERE”! That very word strikes terror in my shriveled up NYC heart. I don’t rightly know if I can survive another. Let me refresh your memory. I digress.
But what’s the latest flowing from the news pipeline?
Last week, we learned that 26-year old French actor Cesar Domboy was cast as an all-grown-up version of the beloved Fergus, bringing a Parisian swagger and dark good looks to the adult version of the clever and mischievous lad born in a brothel and informally adopted by Jamie Fraser in Season 2. Readers may find Domboy a near perfect vision of Diana Gabaldon’s description of Fergus. Well, he’s pretty danged close to my idea of Fergus Claudel Fraser in the flesh!
We were all still celebrating this latest casting home run when Starz came forward this week with its official (I mean, it felt pretty official already in my book) casting confirmation for Domboy as Fergus, while also announcing the casting of UK-born actress and relative-newcomer Lauren Lyle as Marsali, another new character to join the recently cast actors playing Young Ian, Joe Abernathy and Lord John Grey. For a refresh on those announcements, check out our coverage here and here.
Non-book readers, remain patient. There is a cast of what seems like thousands in these novels, and nearly each of them serves a purpose in the ever-evolving world of Outlander. The good part is that you can probably pronounce their names, unlike those in a Dostoevsky novel.
The lovely Lauren plays Marsali, the daughter of the thing-that-won’t-go-away, AKA Laoghaire (pretty much known as LegWhore or Leghair in the fandom, depending on who you are talking to). One of the credits to Lyle’s name is an ensemble role in The Crucible, opposite the formidable Richard Armitage. How fitting, considering the source material’s reliance on the historical record of jealous girls crying, “witch”. Sound familiar? Sounds like Mommy Dearest. And speaking of which, is there an actors’ chromosome pool out there reserved just for film adaptations of books? Because, look:
Poor Nell Hudson and her damned fictional character, Laoghaire, are forever relegated to The Dark Side, likely with Tobias Menzies as a cell mate – a vision shared by many, but not by moi. These characters make the Outlander story what it is and can’t be erased, and therefore deserve their glorious minutes of screen time, regardless of how long and loudly we may piteously howl.
Anyhoo, let’s test your knowledge on this latest character announcement to help you ready for Season 3!
First up, a little Q&A for our non-bookie Obsessenachs:
Q: What kind of name is Marsali?
A: A Scot’s name for a lassie.
Q: How do you pronounce it?
A: Let’s go to exhibit A for this one.
Q: When did Leghair get married?
A: Wait and see.
Q: Who is Marsali’s father?
A: You will find out.
Q: Should I care about Marsali?
A: Eventually.
As it turns out, there’s not much we can reveal to non-book readers that won’t give away a major plot point in Season 3, so you’ll just have to stay patient!
***POTENTIAL SPOILERS AHEAD… If you can read between the lines. But a warning, nonetheless!***
Now a Q&A for our book-reading Obsessenachs:
Q: What kind of name is Marsali?
A: It’s Scots, you numpty!
Q: How do you pronounce it?
A: Forget the evidence, I’ll pronounce it anyway I choose.
Q: When did Leghair get married?
A: I don’t give a crap. I just wish she would get lost.
Q: Who is Marsali’s father?
A: It’s not JAMMF, that’s for sure.
Q: Should I care about Marsali?
A: Eventually.
As it also turns out, we book readers get our own special set of rules when it comes to determining our feelings about Leghair and any casting announcements or plot developments that hinge on her presence. Sue me.
What do you think about this latest round of casting? Did the casting team nail it yet again? And who do you think will be next? Sound off below and in our Outlander Cast Clan Gathering on Facebook!
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