Written by: Caroline Trevor
I think Claire and Geillis can travel through the stones, both back & possibly forward through time, because they are genetically disposed to be able to so. I think they are part of a family tree that has both in the past have found a pre disposition for time travel.
I also think that the pagan festivals which the druids celebrated during Samhain contribute to the magic of the stones and for Claire to be able to travel back to 1743 from 1945.
The first knowledge that becomes evident is in Claire’s voiceover during the dance of the druids when she talks of voices in her head saying she shouldn’t be here at the stones kind of warning her that the stones are dangerous. She also says that they are ancient and powerful which turns out to be true when she touches the stones to go back in time. When Claire talks of her experience of travelling through the stones she states that she felt like she was falling at high speed which she did as she went back 200 years in a number of seconds.
The song that Gwillam the bard sings at the end of the way out episode also confirms that Claire is not the only one who has seemed to travel through the stones. I know what you think that these are only myths but to me every myth has some element of fact in or they would never become a myth. Stories or songs tend to become changed or exaggerated over time so as to become myths many years later. In those days stories or songs would have been the only form of entertainment not like in the present time where electricity and radio waves are much more widespread.
I think Geillis had much more knowledge of the standing stones then she told Claire. I think she knew who Claire was within a short time of her arriving at Castle Leoch and was trying to get information out of her at every opportunity possible. One of her ancestors might have left a diary for her to read. Geillis gave lots of subtle hints during the season that she had knowledge of. She talked of demons, fairies and the devil. Also things that have no earthly explanation like magic. Geillis tried on a number of occasions to grow Claire’s and hers’ bond in order to extract information from Claire.
Geillis knew that there were not pillories in the 20th century so this might have been when she worked out where Claire had come from. She had researched plant history for 18th century medicinal purposes for her own travel back in time. I think that Geillis had known that Claire might have been running away in the gathering episode from her comments about the highlands is no place for a woman to be alone.
Some of this is also confirmed in both sides now episode by Mrs. Graham when she tells Frank about the power of the stones and Mother Nature working as a servant of magic and time travel. She explains that the stones gathers the powers and gives it focus like a glass. She confirms that in certain places on certain days, people can pierce the veil of time. She states that each traveller must make their own journey and follow their own path. This may reinforce what Geillis said to Claire during the trial of 1968 compared to 1945 for Claire. She explains the songs and stories that are sung or told are very old and have been passed down from generation to generation.
Do you think Geillis and Claire were genetically predisposed to travel through the stones?
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