I was minding my own business at home, nursing a chest cold and chasing my two year old when I got a text from my sister which radically altered my ability to function and put coherent sentences together.
Her commentary accompanying the image she sent isn’t printable here, but of course, could you blame her?
Here it is . . . BOOM!
The first thing I thought was that this was some fan mock-up. Certainly, we weren’t lucky enough to be blessed with a cover as glorious as this. I raced with high hopes to EW.com to see if this unicorn was real or imaginary. Sure enough, there it was in all it’s steamy glory. I felt like Mia Sara coaxing the mystical creature out into the stream.
Of course, that kinda ended badly for the unicorn, but I never said it was a perfect metaphor. Any time I have the opportunity to drop a Tom Cruise film reference, you know I’m gonna do it.
But, I digress.
Thus was the beginning of a nearly inappropriate day of oogling.
When I say inappropriate, I’m referring to the definitely NOT safe for work photos contained inside the actual issue. Thanks to the lovely ladies over at Outlander Italy we have all of them here for your intense fangirling calm perusal.
It started off innocently enough . . .
Goodness, they are gorgeous and . . . is it just me, or does Sam’s hair look straight-up brown in these images? Hey, Jamie’s been spending a lot of time in drawing rooms and not out getting his hair sun-bleached, I get it, but he’s rocking some almost Rufus Sewell locks here.
Well, bonjour, Monsieur Fraser! Writing us love letters, are you?
Oh, you’re . . . trying not to look like you’re committing treason while attempting to undermine the Jacobite cause?
Well, I was kinda close.
At this point, all bets are off and I have to distract my child with shiny objects because things are getting down to business.
I kid you not, when this popped up on my screen, I nearly choked on my coffee. This is so stunning and looks like a painting but wowzers is it intimate!
At the risk of sounding like Black Jack, Jamie’s back is horrifically beautiful here and Claire looks like a pre-Raphaelite beauty.
Oooookay, this is where thoughts turn to mush unless we focus on some of those character details they got so right. The circular scar where Murtagh carved out BJR’s brand and tossed it into the fire, turning it into the pepperoni absolutely no one wants on their pizza, is a nice touch!
Here, Jamie has wandered onto the set of ‘Into the Woods’. How did I miss that cameo? Was it while they were butchering the second act? Someone please warn Mr. Sondheim about Jamie’s tone-deaf singing voice. We don’t need another Sweeney Todd-level disaster.
Here, we have everyone’s favorite character, Frank Randall, seen here with his signature RPF (that’s Resting Pensive Face, for those who aren’t “hip to the lingo”). We only get one photo of Frank? Well, that’s good . . . leave all the fangirls angrily tweeting Ron Moore begging for more!
And if all of that weren’t enough, we were treated to a little behind the scenes video of the photoshoot where Sam and Cait look ridiculously hot while trying to disguise their forbidden love being manipulated and posed to perfection by the photographer’s assistants.
And there you have it! All the Outlander steaminess my little heart could handle in one day!
What was your initial reaction after seeing the cover photo? Have you already compiled your collages and fan videos? Let us know in the comments!
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