You all know who you are. You’ve watched Outlander so much you can quote entire scenes from memory. If you’re a book fan, you’ve likely read the books so often that they fall open to your favorite passages. Maybe, just maybe, you own a piece or two of Outlander gear (plaid kilt anyone?). In other words, if given a choice between A (as in anything) and Outlander, you pick Outlander. Simply put, you are an Obsessenach, loud and proud.
As we slog our way through #Droughtlander, we decided to pass the time celebrating Obsessenachs worldwide. So here, without further ado, are some sure signs you’re an Obsessenach. Some are my own and some were added by members of our Outlander Cast Clan Gathering Facebook page. Have a few of your own? Please add them below or feel free to create your own meme and post it on our Facebook page. After all, we’re all in this #Droughtlander together.
You know you’re an Obsessenach when….
(Sorry Peter. Really.)
This is a real thing. Trust me. A variation offered by a FB reader: You start typing dinna fash, ye ken and verra in your emails at work. I might have done this as well.
They don’t call it knee porn for nothin’ my friends.
TV variation? If you hit TV history with your remote, Outlander comes up every single time in the number one slot. The same might happen if you hit the history drop-down on your browser….hypothetically speaking of course.
Our Facebook members offered a few other book Obsessenach symptoms traits:
- You can only read five minutes of another highly recommended book before dropping it and running back to the Outlanderverse.
- You go to sleep tired and say, “I can still read one more chapter;” you wake up before you go to work and say, “I can read one more chapter,” and…you take your book to work and say, “I can squeeze in one chapter during lunch.”
- When you’re listening to Echo in the Bone on audio, reading a Lord John story with book group, listening to Voyager with your daughter, and Dragonfly in Amber with your husband.
Our readers had some other goodies, too:
- Your 18th Century fictional life in Scotland is more compelling than your real life in 2016.
- All your pets — maybe even children? — are named Fergus, Angus, Rupert, etc.
- You lose your Mitsubishi Outlander — named Claire of course, and covered in identifying Outlander window decals — in the Walmart parking lot and are convinced she went through the stones.
- You have more photos of JAMMF on your phone than your husband. (Sorry, whosever partner that is.)
- When Inverness is tagged on your weather app….you know, just in case.
We could go on — and encourage you to do so in the comments. In the meantime, we’ll leave you with this: You know you’re an Obsessenach when…
Time to fess up. You’re among friends!
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