Droughtlander sucks. Sometimes we need to find another show to fill the void – enter the critically acclaimed, The Leftovers. Hosts Mary and Blake have another podcast called The Living Reminders, which is dedicated to The Leftovers on HBO and recently had a chance to speak with the show creators, Damon Lindelof and Tom Perrotta.
The Leftovers can be summed up in this way:
October 14th, 2014 – 2% of the worlds population just disappeared into thin air. It didn’t matter what religion one was, if they were in jail, gay, straight, man, woman, race, nationality, famous, not famous – it was a completely blind event. 140 Million people gone with the snap of a finger. They called it, “The Departure.”
Our journey follows the Garvey family, and the rest of the world who are Leftover. What does it mean for them? Where do they go? How do they find comfort in a world where they are left behind? What are they supposed to do NOW?
Families break up, cults are formed, new families are created, and the world holds it’s collective breath wondering, “will it happen again?!”
Yet – despite all the world seeming to fall asunder there is only one place on the entire planet that was not touched by the Departure, a place long ignored by the world and even the people of the U.S. A sleepy town called, Jarden, Texas. Made up of no more than five thousand people – word spreads that no one departed and it explodes in a MASSIVE bustling community that requires assistance from the U.S. federal government to turn it into a national park called, Miracle. All is well…until, well…it isn’t anymore.
Join us as we chat with Damon Lindelof (showrunner and creator of LOST) and Tom Perrotta (producer and author of the book The Leftovers.) Get an in depth look at the show as we have a retrospective about the first two seasons, right be fore the third and final season premieres on April 16, 2017.
Season three will air over eight episodes Sunday nights at 9pm on HBO.
Check it out because it’s an amazing show and it’s Blake’s favorite show right now.
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