Remember the debate last fall? No, not those debates. I’m referring to the one where we reconciled our collective guilt for obsessing over Poldark in an Outlander-like fashion by comparing the two shows pecs-to-pecs head-to-head. Well, obsessenachs, that Outlander vs. Poldark scenario just got real—very real— with the announcement that Poldark will be back on U.S. screens starting October 1 at 9 p.m. Why? Because that’s the EXACT day of the week and EXACT time that Outlander will also finally be back on our screens. And the scheduling plot thickens…
Silly me had nothing but excitement when PBS dropped this on Twitter this week.
NEWS: #PoldarkPBS returns for season 3 on October 1, 2017 on MASTERPIECE on @PBS!— Masterpiece PBS (@masterpiecepbs) April 4, 2017
“Oh Aidan, yesssssss. What delicious news! Also, YOU look delicious, per usual. You’ve made my Anglophile heart sing!” Granted, I’d hoped we’d see Ross and Demelza back on our screens sooner than fall, but I was just excited for an exact date to circle on the mental calendar with eager anticipation. So excited, in fact, that I didn’t bother to connect the dots to understand the bigger implication here. Leave it to my pal and Outlander Cast Blog senior writer, Denise Stewart, to do so for me by calmly slipping this in, all casual and whatnot.
In the words of one badass Claire Fraser, JHRC. I digested the scheduling conflict and then found myself staring at that picture of Aidan Turner with different eyes. “Look at you, just standing there looking all smug and pleased with yourself for upping the ante on the Ross vs. Jamie showdown. You’ve got some smoldering nerve.”
Dinna fash too much, though. In this digital day and age, we can readily stream, record and playback at a speed that would make our 18th century heroes’ lusciously locked heads spin to imagine. Heck, the Starz apps allows you to stream new episodes of Outlander as soon as 12:01 AM on the day it’s scheduled to air. Pretty fantastic, right?
My only gripe—and I might not be alone here—is that I wished for a TV world where we might be able to enjoy each show in its own independent time so as to minimize the withdrawal pains felt by the lengthy off-seasons that accompany our favorite shows. Now, it appears both shows will go dark at the same time. I know, I know… cue the sad tiny violin, please… #firstworldTVaddictproblems
While you wait out October, dive back in with fresh eyes to our Outlander vs. Poldark debate. Disclaimer—our swooning opinions of Ross were based on Season 1 only. Because, well, Season 2. Yipes, Ross. YIPES.
All that comparison and contrast aside, let’s be real. It’s no contest. Come Sunday nights at 9 p.m. in October, you’ll find me giddily watching Outlander (and live blogging again) before catching up on the Ross and Demelza saga as soon as Ron Moore has whisked me into the World of Outlander.
Who’s with me?
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