Want a minute-by-minute recap of Outlander Season 3 episode 2, “Surrender”? We give all the details….
Do you find yourself gabbing obsessively about Outlander to your friends and family? Wishing your Sunday nights included a living room full of people with whom to watch, discuss, comment, cheers, jeers and well, experience alllllll the feels? Dinna fash, Obsessenach—you are not alone.
Good news—we can get new family and friends pour ourselves a dram and, through the magic of technology, enjoy it together! As we brought to you during Season 2, we’ll be LIVE blogging all the episodes in Season 3. Like the Outlander Cast podcast, it will be SPOILER FREE for non-book readers.
Not into distractions during your visit to the World of Outlander? That’s okay! Our LIVE blogs double as episodic recaps to serve as a trusty viewing companion on your second, third and umpteenth re-watches (hey, we get it).
So get all your post-18th Century gadgets ready and settle in, because the best things in life should be shared with a buddy. Hi, buddy.
Now let the show begin…
Why am I nervous? I am a grown woman sitting in front of a television screen and my heart is racing like I’m waiting for my prom date to arrive. STARZ has already promoted #dunbonnet so we know that we’ll see Jamie during the “cave years.” Am I the only one loving the beard and long hair? If Cave Jamie had been my prom date I would have never made curfew. Also, I doubt that I would have attended the post-prom event hosted by the local church.
Here it is. Breathe!
Brief nudity is listing as a warning. Who’s getting naked and I am emotionally prepared for it?
Wee Fergus how I’ve missed you.
[8:01 pm] Sing me a song…why am I crying? Gather your wits woman. [8:02 pm] That’s one hell of a sketch for the Dunbonnet “Wanted” poster. Maybe the soldiers should ask the sketch artist where Jamie is. I’m pretty sure they were in the same room when this was drawn. [8:03 pm] I grew up on a farm and I have seven male cousins. These three give me the same sense of dread I had when my older cousin said things like “go ahead try it, we did it yesterday, there’s no way you could get hurt.” Someone always got hurt.[8:04 pm] Mind the wooden leg redcoats! Is it necessary to drag this poor old man down the steps? If he bolts, the odds are definitely in your favor. That old man is Ian!
[8:05 pm] Jenny will quietly observe the proceedings from the stairs. Uh oh, she put her hand on her hip. Watch out redcoats, here she comes great pregnant belly and all. [8:06 pm] That is an excellent poker face dear Jenny. Calling him your “traitorous brother” added an element of authenticity. Wait, are you joking? You really do know where Jamie is. Right? I’m caught up in your web of deception Jenny Murray! Once again, a man of Lallybroch is carted off to prison. Maybe they have their own Lallybroch cell.[8:07 pm] Look at you Mary McNabb. It’s good that you’re helping Jenny out at Lallybroch; such a nice, sweet lady.
[8:08 pm] Who wore it best Cave Jamie or Hugh Munro? It’s killing me to see him like this. However, I have been waiting weeks to see this scene. The image of Jamie pulling back the arrow is spectacular. That is amazing camera work. [8:09 pm] Jamie sees Claire everywhere. She is always with him. I’m crying (again). Jamie has lost his words. What is left to say when everything you’ve loved is gone?[8:10 pm] It’s never good when Jenny starts a sentence with “brother.” Just keep hacking at the carcass Jamie. Get it out. Get all the emotions out.
[8:11 pm] Is Claire dreaming or is she fantasizing? I’m on board either way. I’m just wondering why she would intentionally torture herself like this. Nevermind. The self torture is becoming clearer to me. That is an amazing…err…smile. Claire realizes that she’s alone even though Frank is lying next to her. [8:13 pm] There’s baby Bree! [8:14 pm] Yes, Frank she touched you. She cracked the door of her heart and took a peek outside. Now, stop looking like you want to devour her. Be cool man. Don’t rush this. Why am I helping Frank?! [8:16 pm] Wee Fergus hasn’t yet developed a speech filter and lashes out at Jamie for being a coward. Meanwhile, Jamie appears to have lost something in the belly of that fish. He looks like me trying to find car keys at the bottom of my purse.[8:17 pm] Jamie has become his sorrow. His eyes speak the pain that his lost words can’t. Did I mention what a nice lady Mary McNabb is?
[8:18 pm] These boys are one Darla and a Petey away from a Little Rascals remake. Speaking of large groups of children, where are Jenny and Ian’s other kids? Shouldn’t they have three or four more by now? [8:19 pm] Mary McNabb I was prepared to hate you. I do not. Maybe it’s the wine? [8:20 p.m] In Jenny’s defense she didn’t know that Claire was pregnant when she left but she did know about Faith. How about a little compassion Jenny Murray? Just when I thought this couldn’t get more awkward she asks the question that is surely on every big sister’s mind. Jenny is a wee bit too concerned about Jamie’s personal #Droughtlander. And so begins the matchmaking. Real world note: if you are a sister who serves as a Tinder service for your brother stop it. Stop it now. It’s weird. [8:21 pm] These British soldiers really need to find a different hobby; chess perhaps? Jenny appears dangerously close to losing her poker face.[8:22 pm] Jamie has a baby in one hand and a dagger in the other. Who knew that could be sexy? Young Ian is, perhaps, destined for a life of adventure.
[8:23 pm] Mary McNabb takes one for the team; the team being the gang of miscreants that includes her son. I see what you’re doing here writers. I’m on to you. [8:24 pm] This is the first time that Jenny actually looks rattled. The cat and mouse game is taking a toll on her. [8:26 pm] Claire misses her husband. To be fair, she didn’t say which one. Is anyone else hearing the words “come find me…come find us” in their heads right now? Frank is going to screw this up. I just know it. Nope, he didn’t.[8:27 pm] Ian is home and still as sassy as ever. He doesn’t look any worse for the wear.
[8:28 pm] Fergus has always been a terrible combination of confidence and recklessness, but he’s so darned cute that those traits seem endearing. [8:29 pm] The Scottish corporal reminds me of the boy who always tried just a little too hard to prove that he was one of the cool kids. [8:30 pm] Oh, that was terrible. I knew it was coming but still…Fergus you wee fool… [8:31 pm] Jamie finally speaks. He’s risking everything to help Fergus. Even now Claire is with him as he works to stop the bleeding. [8:32 pm] It had to come sooner or later, but to see Jamie finally break is gut wrenching. Jenny is the only other woman in the world who can give him comfort. She will always be equal parts mother and sister. My entire face is leaking. [8:33 pm] Fergus’ tragedy has rekindled something in Jamie. He’s speaking with conviction again. Fergus notices too and remarks, “There you are milord.” [8:34 pm] Ever the connoisseur, Fergus prefers French wine to whisky. Not so fast there, Fergus. I think they both have merit. [8:35 pm] Nothing motivates Jamie like a debt of honor. He seems to come alive when he tells Fergus that he can always trust him to keep the bargain. [8:36 pm] I was hoping that we wouldn’t have to see Millie again. That voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard. Does anyone remember what that sounds like? [8:37 pm] That’s a neat party trick Claire, but this is going to end badly. [8:38 pm] Stop telling her to look at you! And, there it is. You’re not making this easy Frank. [8:40 pm] Ian is describing phantom pain. I have a feeling he’s not just referring to missing limbs. “Claire was your heart.” Ian pulled the pin on a feeling grenade and ever so gently lobbed it over to Jamie. On a related note, the feelings are rolling down my face (again). [8:41 pm] I really don’t like this plan. [8:42 pm] Jenny doesn’t want to send Jamie back to prison. Jamie makes it clear that he’s merely trading one cell for another. [8:43 pm] Here comes Mary McNabb with a picnic lunch. Sandwiches and a shave; it’s how all the best picnics start. She found Jamie’s face! She has earned whatever happens next. [8:45 pm] Mary, I truly don’t hate you right now. I am strangely ok with this. [8:46 pm] That tear though… [8:47 pm] Brianna looks like a baby version of Buddy the Elf. [8:48 pm] Let the Misogyny Olympics begin! In our next event, Claire will face an old white man (this is an unsettling theme) who (insert shocked face) believes that she is unsuited to be a medical student. [8:49 pm] Professor Asshole wins this week’s contest for least favorite line with “a woman and a negro.” The only reason I’m even close to being ok with that statement is that it gets us one step closer to Dr. Joe. I love me some Dr. Joe. [8:50 pm] And there he is! Dr. Joe Abernathy! [8:51 pm] Is that a toothpick? Who uses a toothpick in bed and what makes him think she won’t stab him with it. Speaking of stabbing, hey Frank, while your wife was away she killed some people. They all deserved it but still, she killed people. You’ve been warned. [8:52 pm] This is terrible. I actually believe Jenny when she says that she’ll never forgive Jamie. [8:53 pm] Stop me if you’ve heard this one before, Jamie is in the back of a wagon and headed to prison. Does it ever stop, the imprisonment? [8:54 pm] Oh come on! How can Claire stop living in the past when there is a bagpiper playing “Scotland the Brave” on her route to work? You’re killing me slowly Outlander.It was so good to get a few, brief glimpses of the old Jamie and to see him slowly begin to turn himself right side out. It’s still painful to watch Claire try and fail to be a wife and lover. It’s even more painful to watch Frank try to push her into a space that she’s not quite ready to inhabit. On a happier note, we have babies! Bree is already showing signs of being a strong-willed girl and Ian had his first adventure. I’m still worried about Jenny and Ian’s other kids but maybe we’ll see them soon. I am not usually one to notice production elements, but I do want to mention those shots with the bow and arrow one more time. They were stunning. Thanks to Ashley Crawley for the opportunity to help out with the live blogging duties this week. If you hated this post, please come back next week and I promise that Ashley will make you laugh. She’s pretty good at that.
If you missed our live recap of the Season 3 premiere, you can catch up here: Episode 3.01, “The Battle Joined“.
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