Want a minute-by-minute recap of Outlander Season 3 episode 6, “A. Malcolm?” We give all the details….
Do you find yourself gabbing obsessively about Outlander to your friends and family? Wishing your Sunday nights included a living room full of people with whom to watch, discuss, comment, cheers, jeers and well, experience alllllll the feels? Dinna fash, Obsessenach—you are not alone.
Good news—we can get new family and friends pour ourselves a dram and, through the magic of technology, enjoy it together! As we brought to you during Season 2, we’ll be LIVE blogging all the episodes in Season 3. Like the Outlander Cast podcast, it will be SPOILER FREE for non-book readers.
Not into distractions during your visit to the World of Outlander? That’s okay! Our LIVE blogs double as episodic recaps to serve as a trusty viewing companion on your second, third and umpteenth re-watches (hey, we get it).
So get all your post-18th Century gadgets ready and settle in, because the best things in life should be shared with a buddy. Hi, buddy.
Speaking of, we decided the recap of tonight’s very special episode (not to get all mid-90s NBC on you) needed not one but two twisted and often-conjoined brains. Ergo, an Ashley-Nikki recap mashup!
Now let the show begin…
[8:00 p.m.] It’s finally here! We’ve waited 20 years (literary, but still) and two whole weeks (which felt like 20 actual years) and and and — Nikki, pass the paper bag. I’m running out of oxygen too soon. [8:03 p.m.] Who is this??? Hands off, trollop! Yours are so not the hands we’ve waited to see fiddle with this man. [8:04 p.m.] “Comin’ Thro’ the Rye”—one of our favorite tracks from Season 1! We love how Bear McCreary’s beautiful work from previous seasons has been treated as evergreen and re-purposed throughout Season 3. [8:05 p.m.] Since we no longer have knee porn, I guess we’ll have to settle for tricorn porn instead.[8:06 p.m.] He is spit-shining the very letters of that sign that Claire will soon touch and my heart is starting its happy dance.
[8:07 p.m.] I like a man who is ready to kill at any moment. Does this man ever get a chance to relax?
[8:08 p.m.] Geordie is either high strung or costive. Either way, once Claire gets settled she should be able to whip up something to help settle him down a bit.
[8:09 p.m.] Did I just watch a man operate a printing press and find it sexy?
[8:11 p.m.] As if we needed more evidence that Claire and Jamie are soul mates, they’ve been apart for twenty years and have somehow managed to wear matching neckerchiefs.
[8:12 p.m.] Ashley: THE GLASSES. I’m sorry – Frank who?
Nikki: Seriously, put your glasses on and read a seditious pamphlet to me James Fraser.
[8:13 p.m.] JHRC, that was all before the title sequence?!? Sweet laird, this is going to be the mother of all episodes.
[8:14 p.m.] That weekly title card? We love you too, Matt B Roberts.
[8:15 p.m.] The ol’ I thought I pissed myself but I just spilled my beer line.Note to Nikki: I’m having trouble putting together coherent thoughts during this.
Note to Ashley: And I just realized that I was holding my breath…again…
[8:16 p.m.] What a coincidence, Jamie. I’ve been sick with fever all week and you and this episode were all I thought about too.
[8:17 p.m.] Byeeee Felicia Geordie
[8:19 p.m.] This print shop set is truly unreal. It looks almost like a church. Jon Gary Steele, you’ve once again outdone yourself.
[8:20 p.m.] “It’s very fine to see you again Claire.” I know he didn’t wake up this morning knowing that Claire was going to magically appear in his doorway but I was expecting something a bit…well a bit more. Yes, that’s right. I still miss you, Ms. Fitz. [8:21 p.m.] The glasses are “only for reading and such.” Don’t worry, I can still see all your bits just fine, Sassenach. “My hair has some gray.” You can’t see it now, Jamie, but in 8-10 washes the roots will start to show.[8:22 p.m.] Oh my god, the be-speckled proud papa look, gazing at these photos. If my heart’s all jumpy when they’re still just in the chit-chat phase…
[8:23 p.m.] “She has your red hair.” “Like her sister.” Faith is still in his heart after all this time. My heart might actually burst. [8:24 p.m.] Wait, what? We’re doing the Willie reveal now?!? These recaps are billed as spoiler-free, so we’ll just file this under “rewrite.” But I’m not sure how I feel about abruptly cutting off the long-awaited Brianna introduction to shortcut a plot tie-in here. [8:25 p.m.] Claire’s taking this well. That’s right girl, don’t jump to conclusions. Just tiptoe your way around it and ask if he loved Willy’s mother. That answer will unlock others. [8:26 p.m.] I mean there was that whole thing where I closed my eyes and pictured you every time we had sex, but otherwise it worked fine… [8:29 p.m.] Oh wee Fergus done growed up! It’s socially acceptable—and legal—for us to ogle his tres magnifique self, right? [8:30 p.m.] Claire has apparently opted for a game of two truths and a lie to explain this whole where I’ve been for 20 years thing. [8:31 p.m.] I’d adore any chance to see Ned Gowan and the wonderful Bill Patterson onscreen again… except where this one is concerned. And that’s all I have to say about that. [8:32 p.m.] Oh god, we’re about to meet Mr. Willoughby, whose onscreen adaptation I’ve feared the most. Please do this right. Thou shalt not lose trust in Ron. Thou shalt not lose trust in Ron. Thou shalt not lose trust in Ron. *crosses fingers*[8:33 p.m.] His correcting that she is Claire MALCOLM, not Randall, gave me flutters too, Claire. And for those keeping count at home, that would be like the 4th last name she’s had in this epic saga.
[8:34 p.m.] He calls Jamie unsavory like it’s a bad thing. We find his savory status to be most acceptable. [8:36 p.m.] Yes yes, that’s right. I brought my wife to the brothel. And I still get to be the King of Men. We shall be spending the night. No matter what you hear, don’t send help.[8:37 p.m.] Oh my god, the noises. Not really interested in hearing those sorts outside of this room…Cringe. Something not really described or felt by reading the words in the book.
[8:38 p.m.] The captions say “moaning continues”. That’s going to be the way I describe work meetings from this point forward. [8:39 p.m.] Claire thinks that brothels are run like airline lounges. Jamie went platinum with Madame Jeanne three months ago, which entitles him to a free room and one sex act upgrade per week. [8:40 p.m.] Hold up James Fraser! How about I’m glad you’re here. You danced her to the stone and now you’ve got questions? [8:41 p.m.] Well, first I sewed this badass dress during a musical montage scored to the Batman theme but, yes, then I came back. [8:42 p.m.] Do you want me? Circle yes or no. [8:43 p.m.] Who knew that there was fine dining at a brothel? The power of a strong Yelp review. [8:44 p.m.] I’m pretty much hearing nothing in this VO that doesn’t sum up “eye-f*cking each other in between grapes.” [8:45 p.m.] Along those lines, I always preferred red grapes to green………until now. [8:46 p.m.] To bed or to sleep? [8:47 p.m.] I’d just like to note that her eyes are wide open. [That minute where our brains nearly burst along with our hearts] So many buttons and knots. This could take hours. Wait, is this why we got 15 extended minutes in this episode?Claire hair is BACK!
We’re going to go ahead and just make one umbrella statement about how this all parallels so beautifully to “The Wedding.” Now, as you were…
A zipper has NEVER been sexier. Evah. And we also got at least 90 seconds of this episode back with that easy access wardrobe hack.
[8:49 p.m.] Claire covering herself out of insecurity for how he might receive her aging body just made this scene completely perfect. It’s believable, it’s relatable, it’s vulnerable—pretty much all the -ables.
[8:50 p.m.] Claire is the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen, and he has seen a few since she’s been gone.[8:52 p.m.] “Do it now, and don’t be gentle.” Yep, Claire just confirmed that she’s our collective spirit animal. Forgot to breathe again.
[8:53 p.m.] Is anybody else sweating or is that just me and this damn flu again? Seriously drenched. [8:54 p.m.] It has always been forever for me, Sassenach. Swoon.[8:56 p.m.] How we’ve missed these conversations with Claire’s head on his chest.
[8:57 p.m.] So apparently Lance Armstrong was wrong—it was about the bike. [8:58 p.m.] First he was a virgin, but not a monk. Now he’s not a pimp, but not a saint. Defining Jamie Fraser is starting to feel like an LSAT logic questions. [8:59 p.m.] No, you don’t get muscles like that slaving over a printing press. You get them in gyms all over the world. (And forgive me, but I can’t help but think that is Caitriona giving Sam credit where credit is due.) [9:01 p.m.] Do I take out my price in trade? Sassenach, there’s not enough wine and rum for that. [9:02 p.m.] And again I say, eyes WIDE open. Even in a slow motion, dream-like, completely satiated state. [9:03 p.m.] They still don’t know what it is between them. I don’t know either please don’t let it stop. Ever.[9:05 p.m.] Did they seriously have her say “don’t you want to eat?” right before that? Clearly, he’s going to have breakfast alright, but the parritch can wait.
[9:08 p.m.] “Hurry back, soldier.” She kept this going, all these years. And now I’m done. (Also, there’s always room for Jell-O.) [9:10 p.m.] Young Ian! Wait, should he be 16? I thought 14… someone do the math with us below in the comments. [9:12 p.m.] Soak your bits in warm water. It may take more than warm water to soothe the bits ravaged by 20 years of longing. Maybe she should add some epsom salts too… and maybe some essential oils? [9:13 p.m.] Put your finger up his bum and we’ll save a bannock for you. And yet, I still like these new friends much better than the neighbor pal in Boston. [9:14 p.m.] “Thanks for the tip.” Just one, Claire…you sure? I picked up a few in there.[9:15 p.m.] Really, less than 24 hours back and she’s already in her first life-and-death struggle?
[9:16 p.m.] SERIOUSLY? They ended all that magic like that? We reserve the right to watch a few more times before deciding about that ending. Yeah yeah, for the ending. #ResearchNikki’s Closing Thoughts: There are times when couples say “I love you”; leaving for work, departing for a journey, etc. As humans in love they become part of our vocabulary and the words can lose their meaning over time. There are times, however, when your other half looks at you and says “I love you”. The words are completely out of place for the moment or the surroundings and your heart flutters a little bit because you recognize that the words aren’t being said out of habit but out of a moment of true, connected, deep love. This is what drew me to this story; these moments of connected love spanning decades. Sam and Caitriona BECOME that love. They become the story. This episode was everything that I hoped it would be (except that last scene, what the hell) because Jamie and Claire were in the same room again bringing the story that we love to life.
Ashley’s Closing Thoughts: Mhmm, what Nikki said. I want to heap praise on Sam Heughan and Caitriona Balfe and their palpable, unmatched chemistry for putting the sparkle back onto my screen. We only put completely unrealistic expectations on you because of our gushing fan anticipation and, to me, you exceeded them all. But mostly, thank you to the intrepid King of Creative Men, Matt B. Roberts, for his respectful nod to Diana Gabaldon’s beautiful source material—but with his own spin to it all that weaved in so well. Were there some head-shake “wait, whatt?” moments? Sure. But overall, nothing could dim the overall shine on this episode.
Thank you, friends, as always for joining us. If you’ve missed any of our episode recaps, you can catch up with them here:
Episode 3.01: “The Battle Joined“
Episode 3.02: “Surrender“
Episode 3.03: “All Debts Paid“
Episode 3.04: “Of Lost Things“
Episode 3.05: “Freedom & Whisky“
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