A lot to think about here. Riots at political rallies and new ugliness in the OL fandom. Come on, peeps, get it together!!! Outlander is joy and happiness and Sam and so much more. It's ALL good.
Anne, it is all good, for sure! It's just been a tough week for the NYC area fans. Thanks for your response and for reading my post.
Zsuzsip my down-under friend, thanks so much for your kind words! This post is really about how hard these things can be when you feel passionate about something. Have you entered the Australian contest to get a keek at Sam?
You are totally spot on, and yes the disappointment of not being able to attend any event get's to me as I live here. I understand that it's media only. Sad, because I wish there was a fan only event, but that's not going to happen. For about 10 seconds I thought well maybe I'll fly to Rome to see them at Jibjab..well I am Italian. So, after that insane idea ran thru my head. I realized that, yes I love Outlander, I'm not even going to the parade..I don't even go to the Columbus Day parade ????so I've gotten over my 5 minute disappointment and moved on to think about the week long Star Trek Convention that I'll be attending. As of today Ron Moore will be there as well, so when I whip out something Outlander for him to sign..I may just not be able to hold myself back from telling him how I was crushed for 5 minutes..lol…love your blog!
Star54 (and I love the handle!), thanks for reading and for your feedback. I'm thinking that all of this will be forgotten by April 9 when the new episode airs. I
have a strong feeling we will be blown away! How cool to be at the Star Trek convention– enjoy! -
We have a good group of Boston fans doing a road trip to NYC for the weekend. We also were shut out of everything-but we plan on having a blast! The parade, the costumes that will be on display plus just all the fun Outlander fans will make this weekend a special one. Maybe we will see you there!
Dauna, message me on Twitter @teepe54, and we just may meet up. Any special plans you've made so far? Do they involve whisky?
Lady Gail, between pub crawls, Concerts in Bryant Park and tons of other Tartan-related events, held in the greatest city in the world, it's all good. You will have a much. Enter view of the parade by watching and not marching. Thanks for responding–have you made any plans so far?
If you're there, you are not really "shut out". Lots to do, and definitely will be a blast. Thanks for writing back. Find me on Twitter @teepe54 and we may meet up!
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